Sunday, February 01, 2009

In hiding

Originally uploaded by starchmouse.
So I'm not actually in hiding, but I've realized it will seem that way for the next four months, because I'm not sure I'll have time to do ANYTHING other than make powerpoint slides and teach anatomy.

Having taught a once-a-week anatomy lab for the last three semesters, I guess I got a little cocky in assuming that adding a three-times-a-week lecture on top of that wouldn't be horribly different. Boy, how WRONG I am. Here I've had the entire weekend to prep for the upcoming week's lectures, and I still haven't finished tomorrow's, I still need to START the book for this Thursday's book club (which, by the way, I picked, and therefore need to lead the discussion on), my room is a mess, there's a laundry pile spilling out of my closet, and don't even get me started on my dissertation. I woke up with a panicky feeling, as if I had just had a terrible nightmare, that I was not going to graduate because there are just not enough hours in the day to do all that I need to do and still have time to feed myself and bathe and occasionally sleep.

So what *did* I do this weekend?

I drove my friend and her family home from the hospital - because now, they are a family of three instead of two.

I soaked chickpeas overnight and made Orangette's butternut squash and chickpea salad.

I realized that my jar of tahini tastes absolutely terrible so the tahini dressing for the salad became an almond butter dressing.

I watched a baby sleep for two hours today and it seriously felt like 20 seconds.

I went to Rigolo for brunch and realized there was a reason that the last time I went, I decided I would never go again.

I learned that just merely outlining a 50-minute lecture takes about three hours. God, I hope at least one student is paying attention.

I looked at my pictures from Seattle and felt homesick, even though I've never lived there. Perhaps I was just missing the feeling of being at home with girls who will eat cake, frosting, and melted cheese for breakfast.

I went to the gym, because the lady at a salon in Korea told me my scalp is just like my mother's, and in order to avoid going completely bald from stress I need to drink more water and exercise more. Still working on both of those.

I outlined tomorrow's lecture. Did I mention that already? Yes, yes I did. Because that's pretty much ALL I have been doing when I haven't been sleeping (poorly), eating (quickly), or staring at the baby.

If only I were the type of person who could structure her time efficiently...

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